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Please enter your address here to help us in sending shipment labels. Include City, State and Zip Code.

If we have any further questions.

Where was your product purchased from?

By selecting this option a few more required fields will display.

Please include a Photo of Suppressor, Serial Number, a copy of your Photo ID and a copy of your approved ATF Form 3 or 4.

Please enter your product serial number.

Please enter the color of your product.

Please list the parts on your warranty or returned items.

Choose which way you want your refund given to you.

By clicking this checkbox you are confirming item has not been altered from original state.

By clicking this you are confirming all non-Aero Precision parts have been removed

By clicking this checkbox you are confirming there are no visible scratches, dings or wear and tear.

Please enter any additional details of your request. Attach any additional information if necessary.

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